In-Home Living Assistance

In-Home Living Assistance

caregiver and elders

Senior Living Assistance

Now more than ever, loved ones are electing to utilize in-home living assistance instead of moving Mom or Dad into a nursing home. Because in-home senior care is half the cost of a full-time nursing home or assisted living facility, families can enjoy peace of mind knowing that they are supporting their loved one’s needs while also being economically conscious. [ READ MORE ]

caregiver and elders

Multiple Sclerosis Assistance

There are four different disease courses. Each of these courses can be characterized as mild, moderate, or severe. In all types of MS and all severities, it is important that the person has a strong and reliable care team available at all times. Whether you have relapsing-remitting MS, secondary-progressive MS, primary-progressive MS, or progressive-relapsing MS, it is important to eat healthy foods, avoid overexertion, and to stay current on your medications. [ READ MORE ]

caregiver and elders

Alzheimer’s & Dementia

5.2 million Americans are currently living with Alzheimer’s disease. Alzheimer’s disease, although highly prevalent, is not considered a normal part of aging. This progressive disease is the most common form of dementia; a general term for loss of memory and other cognitive abilities serious enough to interfere with everyday life. [ READ MORE ]

caregiver and elders

Long Distance Services

If you have a family member in the Philadelphia area that needs support, FamilyCARES will be able to deliver an unparalleled long-distance home care experience that involves face-to-face communication with family members living at a distance. We may offer “ZOOM” Care plan meetings and or referrals to Independent Care Managers who will oversee ALL ASPECTS of your loved one’s clinical care and may assist with financial management coordination. [ READ MORE ]

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